Sunday, November 1, 2009 is here...but dun know if am happy of not...... cannot understand it..hhaaiiss....... still thinkin of  someone.....wish hings can go back to normal......:)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Muhhahaahahahahaha....funny day! stay @ home.... watch Boys over flowers 4 many times...( uncountable liao)...... boring meh.......tmr...still no school...oh ya..oso watch K.O3anguo and listen to many songs on Youtube.... so nice!...( xiao xin dian , gou ai , dui shou , zhou huan shou , 24 xiao shi wei ni er feng quang and many more.....) so nice! OMG! gonna own their soundtrack!must buy 終極三國 and 陳乃榮 soundtrack!heeheeheeheeheeheehee...saving up!

********** K.O3anguo,*******k.O 3an guo**********george Hu*******Nylon!eeeeeeekkkkk!!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Although it is holiday...but still need go back to school...haiiss.....wanna rest 4 one week oso cannot lor..... stupid...... go to the recycling smelly lor..cannot take it....arhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Su, i know u love kim bum........but George Hu is much much much more nicer thn him..( i mean to me lar)........ AND...this whole world got many type of ppl....some r nice and kind , some are ppl who bu fen qing hong zhao bai than say evidence.....this kind of ppl...... 4get them is the best way!!!!!!!!! i rather stead with Kim Bum amd George hu lor......lame-sters.......Meaningless life to this kind of ppl...... yi wei hui xie bie ren,bie ren bu hui xie ni!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

it is goin to be lame in this 'story' cause nothing to post.....september holiday is here..haiiss..exams comin near... goin to study,study and study

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Boring weekend!!!!

haiiss...another weekend come liao.......zzzzz........xian...miss my frens home nothing to do..... play computer, watch K.O3an guo for more than 10 times liao.....wish weekends will pass faster everyday......haiiss....... nothing to do  than only study , study and study............zzzzzz. wan sleep liaao

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

K.O 3an guo rawkzzzzz!!!!!!

OMG!!!!!! did you all watch K.O 3anguo at channel 56?....they are so cool!!!!! Georgu HU , Dong cheng wei,Li shao xiang is so cute!!!!!!!!!! they rocks sia!!!!

They rocks wad....right? hahas

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Chervy crazy about jonas brothers....

haiiss......another boring day in school...finally...ended!yapee...... i got a friend....she is Chervy... she is so crazy about Jonas brothers lor...... everyday take their posters out and see...haiiss....although i oso think tt they are cute.....but i oso never always take their posters and see..... i planned to buy a Jobro CD for Ryuta....... Chervy tell me tt if ryuta party cancelled...give her the CD........ Dream on lar......even if ryuta party cancelled....i will keep tt.... Aiyo...... Chervy loves jobros....but Nisha hates them...dun understand her....... jonas brothers rocks lor.....especially Nick and Joe....they rock man......... so cute.....Nisha they are not gays..... if you wan to see a real gay...... come to my chinese tuition a lot (2) all sitting in front of offence arh.....:)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Devi in love with LBS

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Devi from my class 111 is crazy about LBS from 403......muhahahahaha.....aiyo she sit beside me and than always tell me or Su about LBS sia.....annoying lor........She always say.... LbS so cute , sweet , nice , cool , handsome.......... eeewwww....He is non of the above lor......i feel like puking when she say that lor..... haiiss......... so crazy about him lar.....ask her to tell him herself , she dun wan.....haiiss....always ask me if i got new Boyfriend.....boring lor.......When she say about LBS....Su ask her if she like LBS..... she only smile and look away shyly..........her cheek oso go red lor....even you cannot see can feel that she is shy......haiiss.....If they two can stead life is more peaceful lor..........

Thursday, August 13, 2009

IT class joke

Yesterday during it ....(after school one ) Daphne,Amanda,Nisha and i went for it lesson for the competition thing.....(aiya....dunno wad lar) than a boy came in the room and Mr.Kelvin told him tt his lesson was today lar......hahas mr.kelvin scold tt boy' either ' gugu' or 'kuku' lar......than when Mr kelvin help Nisha with her com thing and do the wrong thing then Nisha scold him 'gugu ' or 'kuku' ...then Amanda , Daphne and i oso start liao........after the lesson ....... Mr kelvin show us his dog's photo which name Charles.....Than we say tt his nickname should be Mr gugu

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Class photo....

OMG!!!!!!! we got our class photo....eeewww i look so ugly........... Su , Daphne and saajidah look so pretty sia.......haiiss......sad......never mind i look in the photo is not the problem.......muhahahaha...see still can laugh........yapee!!!!!!!!!!!

ok liaoz............

Everything is settled more relief lar.......things are going from better to best...yah!!!!!!!so happy..........finally, things are cleared........relief more than ever.....yapee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! feel so great lor........must feel happy for me ppl!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

is it a misunderstanding?

i really dunno........i am really confused.....why suddenly everything changes and go so wrong? i really dun understand ? i really dun understand why? did i really misunderstand?aiya....dunno lar....if it is yours,i will be yours....if it is will never be.....but i really confuse lar..... life sucks.......haiiss....... if it really end....haiiss i really dunno liao.....pissed off liao.....confuse liao..... somebody help me lar!!!!!!!!!!!! need help!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

national day celebration in school......

hahas...on 070809 Queensway secondary school celebrated SINGAPORE 44 birthday cool lorz..... we wore red t-shirt and black jeans nice...they match perfectly sia......i love it nice sia....we sing national day song...they oso teach us the meaning of the pledge...haiiss...we know it since primary school lor.....kinda bored lar.......but the best part is still the part where we sing the national day song..... Daphne , Su and i go crazy sia...hahas......funny and wondaerful day....:)lol!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

hongfu trying to console me sia...hahahaha

hahahahahaha.......hongfu trying to console me sia..........he dunno how to console a gal sia......muhhahahahahaha.....He got a crush 'ugly'still got crush.....haaiiisss..munhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......good fren good fren.....wonderful one....hahahahahahahahahahahaha......................................................

Saturday, August 1, 2009

HaHas......funny day in tution........

you know in tution class hor...hahas so funny....hongren is a funny..he call himself white!!!(like Hans(if u r in my school u will knoe him)).........during Class...That hongren go take my jetstream black pen......ahhhhh........he sucks.......cause that teacher not in class another teacher come lar.....she dun care sia....good lor......oh ya 4got abt the sec 4 guy which Su is so despo abt came........OMG lor.....when Hongren talk to him and say tt Su wan his number....he smile sia...finally...see him smile..first time see him smile......i suspect Hongren is interested in tt guy sia........keep talking abt him...haha...joking..joking.....Never 4get hongfu lar.....good thing he never laugh at my hair sia........he gave me tt diao look the whole lesson!!!!!!!!!!!So funny...lols....The tution.... fun sia.......sad next week no lesson....miss the chance of fun!!!!!!!!...Haiisss....( rocks

Sunday, July 26, 2009

wow.....answer key given in english test!!!!!;)

Last friday during english test...... the teacher gave us the English test .......At first she wrote them on the whiteboard and then she 4get to earse it........ when she is giving the sentences 4 the spelling test, the answer is still on the whiteboard...hahahahahahaha.... we copied through the test........lols!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha my friends and i kept laughing through the test and giving the teacher hint that the answer is on the board..... she seem that she dun even know that it is on the board............... hahahahahaha ............................ everyone pass the test with flying colours............................WOW!!!!!:)the best English test i ever had......

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saajidah talk to piglet... <3

HAHA....... On Friday...Saajidah "talk" to my baby piglet ........ she say piglet so cute!!! haha...very!!!!piglet so cute lorzz...wanna 'poo poo'....toilet too big 4 him..... smaller size...................... saajidah ask me to put tissue paper..............haha...i told her over use tissue will flow..........i laugh for 1o minutes....... piglet want to kiss saajidah....haha..... saajidah shouted on the phone........ i told her tt piglet lovessss fun lor........then tell her tt piglet miss school......he want to study.......and see saajidah...... he miss saajidah more than me sia..........not fair lar...... xian.....saajidah can date piglet if she want to.......muhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.................. piglet so cute sia........... <3 end here

chinese tution class 'joke' larzzzz..........

HaHa yesterday.......chinese tution class so dem funny .......... HongFu and hongren say dots (.....) me.... dots rockzzz lar.....hongfu the 'diaoster'. love to diao .....always the same.......... hongren so mean lar.....go bully the teacher......... hahas.......zzzzzzzz..( time put more dots). when the lesson end........... hongfu help me ask the sec 4 guy for his facebook ( the guy who is much more cuiter than hongfu)......... what the hell ......... he no facebook.......sad.....ask 4 blog.......he gave me the blog which was in lifejournal.........ahhhhh.....i go home try cannot go......web page not found!!!!!!!!!!!! Diaoster!!!!!! help me ..................lar.....giv wrong information!!!!!!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......DOTS>>>>>>ROCKZZZZZZ!!!! DIAO SUCKS....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA:)-.-

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Aesthetic nite end liaoz!!!!!!!!!!!

yapee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aesthetic nite end nite so fun lor!!!!!!!!!! sch end veri early sia...... Nisha dun always emo lar........ follow Hans lar SMILE!!!!!!!!!! help me with my problems........... need help ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thx!!!!!!!love u nisha!!!!!!!! u de best........ muaxx to u
oo yar........ and aft aesthetic nite.....saw LBS .......... he look so emo sia...... Cheryl go hug him...... haiissss..... go jealous liao......... suspect Cheryl like him lorzzz.... what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tt day really jealous.....wanna cry sia.......... lucky su u too su and su pls get over Kaiyang lar....... he sux lots...... ......... Go emo tt day..........arhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

random stuff.......for lbs larzzz

ok lar...... o stress.....i know....i also stress lor.....muz study go xpress.........

know ur feeling lorz........soon will get over one... dun think too much lar...

know you still care 4 me...ok?? everything will be over b4 u know okie???

post anything u wan ..... won force u one....last year also PSLE...same.......

if u really stress....try not to say anything tt will hurt me lar..........i still got

saajidah , daphne , su and hans and crystal to accompany me okie???????

cool down......... SMILE!!!!!!!!!!! gotta go liao.... nite nite.... love you lots....muaxx! :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

mr men and little miss

you know wad........ ever since CRYSTAL bought the mr men and little miss keychain...i gone crazy about it...... i got their keychain <>

>> the full collection!!!!!!

>> having fun!!!!!

>> nice one!!!!!!! this is my favourite!!!!!:)

hahahas i collected 7 different keychain of them sia.......thanks to crystal!!!!!

Mr men and little miss rocks

asthetics nite......

OMG!!!!!! can't wait for the day to come lorzzzz.........:) the best ( i think ) is the Finale.........although the moves are kinda rough!!!!!!!!!! choir singing two nice.............:)

....23 june incident....

.....LBS.... i apologise for wad i have said on 23 june .........that time i was kinda unhappy and angry so talk back to you.............( if you read sth on the chatbox) thx...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

........ make me cheer up......

this are the things or pic tht can make me cheer up.............i think but way deep down inside..... i sense of pain an hurt is still there........still feelinng heartbroken........ wish got cheryl type of boyfriend......not Roy.....too ugly.......the character.......wahhhhh.... feel like crying......


haiiiis....@ first thought aft choir....can go thiong with cheryl and BS .......... HAIIIISSSSSS.......He not free.... now i think i wanna date cheryl liao.....she is the one who is free.......ALWAYS........ wahhhhhhssssssssssssss........ turn emoish...............Frankly speaking.......sometimes i even thought if i got or have a boyfren............. i would rather date cheryl........things i thought and end up so diffrently.......( sorry if the word is wrong spell)...... sometimes i really feel heartbroken larz.......... very sad to say tht................ Nisha,crystal!!!!! heel some advice......plz...thx!!!!!!! i afraid we might drift further and further......... and gone!!!!!!!!!!!! help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(

Sunday, June 7, 2009

go jurong point with crystal and lbs

yo!!!!!! on 5 june 2009, my crystal and lbs went to jurong point . we went to watch night at the museum 2........ crystal and i cheese and fun!!!!!!!as on lbs side......aiyo!!!!! so guilty... own him 1 dollar!!!!!! he treated me and crystal popcorn and we brought our own the movie so funny!!!!! after the movie..... we went to zone-x to play....... crystal and i played till we went crazy..........that night pass fast ........ we left jurong point at 10pm and went home :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

missing lbs,nisha.daphne.crystal during choir

aiyo!!!!!!!! so sad liao....... lbs cutting hair...i feel so sad 4 his hair.....after growing for 16 years.....cut all............. nisha,crystal.daphne help me tell him....... i love his hair.......and him too lar.....muckies to him.......i will mizz him alot.......mucks<3

holiday choir and 2 nisha and crystal

ahhhhhhhh..... this is killing me.........max also 3 hours............later got soar throat..........
sorry nisha......i typr ur name as ninja.........crystal..... dun always laugh on the phone lar.......
happi holidayzzzzzz........nisha....i mizz LBS:)

last day of term2 in choir

yesterday before choir..i am so disapointed as my friend wanted to skipped and crystal tried to tell her but she still skipped it..... during choir....... there is a good news that ms ong is going to continue teaching us choir untill asthetics nights.....than @ 4.30pmi saw someone i wanted to see the day......( my darling lar )........OMG!!!!! than crystal started tell me that he is here.......same as daphne soh.........time really filies..........finally... ended term 2......